Guide-ID logo, the letter G made with 3 different colored lines.

Get to know the world's smartest audio guide

The Power of Audio

Open visitors' minds with an upgraded audio experience. Heart-pounding audio combined with your art? Your collection is brought to life!

Audio tour made easy

Point & Listen. That's really all your visitors have to do; there's no need to get through a crowd to access information. Works like a charm.

Icon meant to resemble accessibility.

Include all visitors

Our audio guides include accessibility options (Sign Language Tour) and group touring solutions.

Podcatcher Pro

An easy-to-use audio tour guide with a no-nonsense design. The tiny tour guide.

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Mobile Solution

All visitors can have the same experience. Discover the advantages of our bring-your-own-device (BYOD) solutions.

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Podcatcher Platform

Our smart audio tour manager. Meet our Podcatcher Platform; access and enhance your tour content while getting data insights. AI technology included.

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The Podcatcher demo kit, a white box with Guide-ID branding, and an audio guide device inside.

Get a sneak preview of our Podcatcher Pro. The demo kit is a mini audio guide experience at the comfort of your own site.

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No distraction, just listen.

Take our Podcatcher Pro: an easy-to-use audio guide system wrapped in a no-nonsense design. Forget about a bunch of buttons and functionalities you don't need. Forget about distracting multimedia guides. You get simple, easy-to-hold audio handsets that work. Sounds good, right?

We provide...

The world's easiest audio guide. We know. That's a pretty bold statement. No worries, we have our clients worldwide to back it up.

  • Six clients listed in a row: USS Midway, Tirpitz, Anne Frank House, MSK Musem, Powerscourt, KODE

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  • Six clients listed in a row: Walt Disney Concert Hall, Kunst Uur, Royal Navy National Museum, Mount Vernon, Gallo Romeins Museum, Stedelijk Amsterdam

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Learn more about how our clients have improved their visitor experience

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